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Delivering services to suit your needs.

(for a more detailed explanation on service entailments, please click the red links) 



Door Supervising
 SIA Licensed Door Supervisors.
each staff member is handpicked for their suitability to the clients needs. 
Close Protection

SIA Licensed Close Protection officers for all of the clients needs.
Dog Handling
experienced Dog Handling services for all needs
Event Management
SIA Licensed door supervisors and close protection officers as well as non-frontline stewards. event management if required (i.e Control rooms, Medical officers & logistics).
Security Concierge
24/7 Concierge, available for all business needs 
Mobile Response 
24/7 mobile response/ support team, (alarm activations, break-ins, site support)
Lockup/unlock service
24/7 lockup/unlock service, ideal for any buildings that have facilities  office spaces, warehouse's & manned receptions
Key Holding
24/7  key holding service, for any buildings you may need access to at any time of the day.

For a more detailed and tailored price please enquire, as we do offer discounts on a new business and large businesses. 



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